Academic Success Organized Mind Coaching.jpg

build your skills for academic success in Middle School, High School, and College

Organize Your Mind & Your Tasks To Start Winning At School

Imagine with me for a second - maybe this has happened to you:

You’re sitting in front of a blank computer screen, and you still haven’t even started that English essay. 

You know you can do it, but every time you sit down to start or try to type that first word, other things somehow devour the time. And minutes and hours just keep ticking by. 

It's gotten to the point that you just don't want to deal with school (or work, or housework) anymore.  

Somehow, no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get anything done.

For example, you’ve just started college, and you have high hopes for the future. But it’s impossible to sit down and get focused - or even to know what to focus on. There are so many distractions - how to get organized?

Or, you’re still in high school,
and meanwhile, downstairs, your parents are desperately trying to figure out how to help. They want to, but they’re not even sure what your assignments are.  

When they try to help you with homework, the papers are all over the place – crumpled at the bottom of your backpack, in the wrong notebook, or just missing. 

Parent-teacher conferences play like a broken record: you could do so well, and your grades would be a lot better if only you turned in your work on time – or at all. 

And the older you've gotten, the more you all fight.

Your team needs a coach

Even when it doesn’t feel like it, you and your family are all on the same team, and you want the same thing – your success.

A big win for you.

Therapists can help with emotional issues, and you can always hire a tutor for help in a specific subject area – but what if what you really need is an academic strategy coach in your corner:

  • Breaking down specifically how your brain works;

  • Getting into the nitty gritty of exactly where you get tripped up;

  • Developing a customized game plan structured and scaffolded around your unique strengths and struggles; and   

  • Encouraging you along the way!

What if the truth is…

  • You're not lazy. You just need specific help initiating tasks?  

  • You’d be way less forgetful if you had a customized system for organizing your assignments and paperwork?  

  • There were specific strategies that could help you to show up earlier and get assignments in on the due date?

And what if your parents could…

  • Know just what to ask you to help with your homework? 

  • No longer fight with you about it?

  • And have a system for knowing exactly how and when to help you get it done

That’s where I come in.

You truly can turn all the struggles described above into a thing of the past.

In Academic Strategy coaching, I teach you how to get and stay organized, get on top of homework and assignments, break down and tackle large projects, communicate effectively with your parents and teachers, and most importantly, begin to feel good about yourself and your approach to school again.  We’ll take a look at all the areas where you’re stuck - and develop a customized plan designed to cater to your own unique strengths. And as you begin to follow through on it, you’ll be amazed at all the things you can do that you didn’t think you could do before - and how your life, and your relationship to school, friends, parents, and everything else will change.

Reach out by calling (914) 200-3985 or using my contact form – and we can start working together to help you get there.