
about organized mind

I founded ORGANIZED MIND with a clear focus:  to help students and their parents who struggle with organization, planning, or time management gain skills and strategies to get back on track. 

My unique approach is designed for exactly the way YOUR brain works.

Not all brains are created the same. That’s why our work begins with a fully personalized assessment. We take a deep dive into what's not working (and what is working) in your academic and personal life - and why. 

We get into the nitty-gritty of EVERYTHING — including your time, your tasks, and your to-do list(s); how you respond to overwhelm; and what is and is not working in your personal relationships. If you have neuropsych testing or IEP results, we review them. If you are already working with therapists and psychiatrists, we can collaborate with them.

We also zoom out to the bigger picture of what you want and where you are headed in life, and help you work with everyone in it - from family to friends to teachers - to set up your environment for your success. 

To capitalize on your own strengths, you need a customized system.

Do you find that you know what you think you should do (to get organized, plan, or manage your time better) but doing it is another matter altogether? 

Or is it that you know you can do it, but every time you sit down to start, the time somehow gets eaten up by other things.  

Maybe people are constantly getting angry at you because you avoided them, or were late, or just plain forgot what you had promised them you’d do.

Over time, all of these nagging difficulties (whether they're to do with showing up on time or getting things done) can build up and be corrosive to your relationships, your self-esteem, and the experience of life in general. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

A new reality.

In my work:

Teens who struggle to get started every time can sit down with a plan and get their work done.

Students who are failing every class can bring home all A’s and B’s.

Families who fight about school every single night can come together around homework and feel good about it.

Parents who are totally overwhelmed about how to help their kids can relax in the knowledge that they know exactly what to do.

It’s not magic, and it can happen for you, too - once we understand all the factors at play, and bring in specialized techniques to address them.

about me

I know what it’s like, because your story was my story too.

I don’t want you to wait as long as I did
to find SOLUTIONS for the way your brain works.

Despite having been labeled as gifted in my early years, school was always a struggle for me. I tried everything - some of which worked, and some of which didn't. It wasn't until I was in a Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology that I learned there was a name for the set of skills I had been struggling with, and specific techniques available to help with them.

It was like I came home. It didn’t happen overnight, and I worked with a coach myself - but I finally learned how to manage the unique way my brain worked, and get things done like I’d never been able to before.

While I worked as a clinician to fulfill doctoral course requirements,  I saw first-hand how so many students had not gotten the skills they needed to manage academically or survive on their own before they left home - and a new passion was born.  As an ADHD, Academic Strategy, and Executive Functioning coach, I have direct experience of the life-changing impact of this work. 

Yes, I've watched students who were on the verge of failing out of high school come home with A's and B's - but more importantly, I’ve seen them dig into motivation they didn't know they had, watched them feel better about themselves, and seen their nightly family fights about homework become a thing of the past.  

I know that can be possible for your family, too - and I want to help you get there.

Call (914) 200-3985 or use the form on my contact page to schedule your free 30-minute consultation.

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My official bio

Dr. Sophia Haeri, Ph.D. is an ADHD, Academic Strategy, and Executive Functioning coach. She has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the New School for Social Research, where she was a Statue Foundation fellow.

Dr. Haeri has worked in the field of psychology for over a decade, in both clinical and research roles, and has worked with students ranging from preschool through college years, among many other populations. She also has specialized experience conducting psychological assessments. Her research work has been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals and presented at national conferences. She founded ORGANIZED MIND in 2019 to help students like herself learn how to capitalize on the unique way their brains work in order to focus and thrive.